About IQAC

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established on JUNE 15, 2022, to develop quality systems aimed at improving the academic and administrative performance of the college. IQAC in SSIP has been constituted under the patronage of the Chairman, chairmanship of the Principal, and the coordination of senior Faculty members. Other members of IQAC include administrative officers, faculty members, Alumni, Parents, Student representatives, members of local society, and industrialists.

Objectives :

  • To make a system which will enable quality and catalytic improvement in education and services to mankind.
  • To create a quality pharmacist to serve with professional ettics.
  • To channelize the efforts and measures of the institution towards excellence in academic, research and outreach activities to serve the society.
  • Collaborative activities with other institutions and organizations in India and abroad.
  • To become a potential vehicle for ushering in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality.
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